How to prevent saggy skin and look young in just 3 steps!

On Instagram, some of you asked me to share about my tips for keeping our skin from sagging. I love it when you guys tell me what you want! It really helps me to develop content that's useful to you.

No matter your age, if you have a beauty routine (even toner and moisturiser) or wear makeup, you might already be causing premature sagging of your skin with your actions! Yes, I'm talking to even those in their teens.

Our skin starts to sag slowly, so we don't notice it at first. Many of us notice that our faces tend to look bigger or wider as we age. That's a sign of sagging skin.

Learn how to keep your skin supple and youthful. Keep scrolling!

1. Stop building your neck muscles!
If you tend to strain your neck, you're building your neck muscles. Overtime, this can lead to saggy skin as your neck muscles can pull your skin downwards. Next time you're holding a heavy item or working out, try to relax your neck.

2. Go further down
Unless you idolise a wrinkly turkey neck, your facial regime should cover your face and your neck. 'Nuff said.

3. Be gentle
If you think that you're gentle, think again! You might be causing premature sagging without knowing it. A general guideline is to not tug at your skin- but how? The answer is to simply pat your skincare products onto your face. For anything around the eye area, use your fourth finger, or ring finger.

If you keep these 3 things in mind, you'll find that you will look younger for a longer time. Unless, of course, you're a chain smoker or addicted to sun tanning. But that's another topic.

Did you already know about these 3 simple things to look out for? Share your tips to prevent saggy skin and look young in the comments below! :)


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