World Vision Singapore

WOOHOOO~~~ I finally found time to went popular to shop for stationary for my sponsored kid at Jitawat!!! I started sponsoring him last year after I learnt about World Vision Singapore

Jitawat is a 14years old kid residing in the rural part of North Thailand and his 14th bday is coming this end april! 
Instead of a letter, i decided to send him a birthday card instead! 😀😀😀
Wad i wrote for him! Most prolly i dun think he will understand but no problem cus there's always a translator to help us translate.

For instance, all the previous letter which Jitawat wrote to me is in Thai language but there's always an English version typed out by the volunteers at World Vision
The envelope for the bday card!!
A peek at the stationary i've bought for him!!!

 3 boxes of chung hwa pencil
 a box of 24pc colour pencil
 pencil sharpener
 origami paper

Not in the photo is
 2 smiggle notebook

There is a guideline on world vision website to advise of what stuff to send and what not to send, so can take reference from there 
In case you are wondering, we cannot send the parcel to the kid straight, we are suppose to send the parcel to the World Vision Department in that country respectively but we have to write the child's name as well as their child ID at the back of the envelope.

The reason for this is cus some rural part of Thai might not have postal service so those people working at World Vision Thailand will send people to deliver the parcel to the kid respectively! 
For those who are interested in sponsoring a child, you can visit the website below!

The cost of sponsoring a child is $45/month and you can opt for payment via credit card every month 
To date, I have received 3 letters from him and the latest one is short and simple but....

Jitawat took the effort to write in English to me! 

In addition, every year, world vision will send a progress report of the child to us, which will include a recent photo of the sponsored kid!

Since im flying to bangkok this thurs, the thought of bringing the parcel there and posting it in bangkok has crossed my mind but...there always exists a language barrier and i dunno if i can find a post office there in Bangkok anot

So i think it will be safer for me to post in Singapore ar? Hahaha. But it'll prolly cost me about $10? I remember i paid somewhere ard there when i send him a parcel last year. In the end I manage to ask Ben de aunt to help me mail in Thailand cus his aunt is staying in thailand! AWESOME MAX!!!
Im just very fortunate that Im born in Singapore and is worry about first world problem instead of third world problem. Thats why I feel that the younger generation of Singaporeans tends to be a little complacent....IMO
For instance: what kinda drinks i wanna drink later (first world problem) VS can i drink CLEAN water later? (third world problem). Imagine the kids walking 5km with a water bucket of their head just to fetch a bucket of clean water. Eventhough im just sponsoring one child only, I'm glad that im able to put a smile on someone's else face! Do check out the link above if you guys are interested in sponsoring a child too! 
Disclaimer: This is all my own opinion (:


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