Marine Collagen- Tasty Fishy Goodness!

*Scroll down for the review while I blabber on to my co-blogger. Lol! ^^*

LOL XiuHua!!! I was doing my blogpost because I also realized that it's been some time since we posted something. But when I published it, I realized you had JUST posted something!
Wow you've sure been very busy! Must take care, don't fall sick ok! ^^ Good to see that you're hanging in there even though it's very tiring. I'm sure that it will all pay off, and you will achieve your career goal of becoming a "real" engineer like what you mentioned last time. The one that earns a lot a lot A LOT of money. Hahahaha.

I'm also busy at work, but surely not as busy as you! I just feel tired, probably because I'm a pampered princess at home for most of my life. My new colleague even commented that I give off a rich girl vibe. I must work to change it to a hardworking girl vibe lol.


*Review begins here!*

Marine Collagen Essence Strip Review

So I saw this product at Watsons the other day...

Innershine Marine Collagen Essence Strip by BRAND's

What caught my eye was "collagen". Although I'm not very old, I still want to take good care of my skin. It's much easier to prevent than to cure. And probably cheaper too.

Watsons was selling it at 3 for $10, and probably still selling it at the same price now, so I bought it!

I did a little Googling. What exactly is this?

"InnerShine® Marine Collagen Essence Strip by BRAND’S® is a delicious, low calorie beauty supplement in jelly format that supplies skin with collagen, Niacinamide (a form of Vitamin B3), and Vitamin E to maintain its suppleness and elasticity."

- Retrieved from FAQs of

Each strip is only 12kcal, so no worries about it being fattening at all!

Really. There's no added sugar, preservatives or artificial colouring! 

Floppy Collagen Jelly Strip ^^v

The collagen strip is just jelly and flops around when I opened the packet. Hahaha.

Apparently, marine collagen are typically nastyyyy because of some funky smell/taste from its fishy origins. This Marine Collagen Essence Strip isn't showing off when it said that there's no funky smell/taste. It contains premium Kyoho grape juice from Japan, and I was very pleasantly surprised to taste its sweetness in the strip!

I'm quite neutral to most colours, but I'm quite partial to purple at the moment, so even though it's a stupid little thing, I like that this collagen strip is purple. LOL.

The recommended dosage for adults is 2 strips per day, during your morning and night regime.

I can't say much for the effects of collagen though, since I've only had one strip. BUT! It's supposed to have great effects to prevent the skin from sagging. ^^v

"InnerShine® Marine Collagen Essence Strip supplies skin with collagen, Niacinamide (a form of Vitamin B3), and Vitamin E to maintain its suppleness and elasticity.

Collagen is responsible for the structural support and elasticity of the skin.

Niacinamide supports skin health by providing skin tissue cells with the energy necessary for growth and repair.

Vitamin E is an indispensable antioxidant for skin health and protects the skin from photoaging effects, the accelerated formation of wrinkles and age spots that occur with prolonged and/or excessive exposure to UV radiation."

- Retrieved from FAQs of

The only problem I face is that I can't get over the fact that it is "marine" collagen, so I just keep thinking of fishes. Lots and lots of slimy raw fish. Just like when I ate escagot, all I could think about were slimy snails, or those that people accidentally stepped on after some rain and left to die.

It must be something I do, to conjure up disgusting images of not just fishes/snails, but slimy ones. Dafug. I really like the taste in my mouth, but as long as I kept thinking of the slime... *gags*


If you aren't weird like me with an overactive imagination, this is actually worth a try! I'm very unsure of the costs of collagen products, but this does seem cheaper than the collagen powder that costs maybe $300 (if my memory serves me right) that's enough for one month.


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