Girls' Day Out

Went out with Xiuhua again!!

Xiuhua found this awesome salon that gives super competitive pricing for their scalp treatments and the Follizin products, which is great for your scalp! Follizin. Follicle. See what they did there? Lol.

So I had to try it too!

Read our Dayre entry (Day 5, 5 Jan 2014) if you want to know where, the $$ and what the scalp treatment does! 

We went out on 4 January 2014. Yes, that's right. We met up right at the start of the new year! Woohoo!

Instead of wall of text, I decided to film our day. Found a camcorder at home... not sure why my father bought it. So here's Annaxiu's first vlog!

I think the next time I will need to film more things. I ended up having to have like a minute long session of talking because there wasn't enough footage. And the background noise was so bad! How do people film themselves talking??

So there's that. I've invited Xiuhua and some others to my place for Chinese New Year. My father is buying this steamboat/BBQ thing, so we're going to wrap meat in lettuce and act like it's an expensive Korean meal!

Plus, my father knows how we love the Korean cuisine, so he offered to buy maekgoeli (spelling? it's not really right or wrong, seeing as it's romanization... I think), which is rice wine! Wanjung loves her rice wine, followed by Xiuhua! Hehe

- Anna


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