Starting 2018 Right and Sticking to It!

January has passed, and the new year is no longer "new" per se! Time to take a step back to reflect before the entire 2018 just flies by again.

I'm still keen on making it a productive, happy year- are you?

Even if that's not your new year's resolution, or if you don't even make resolutions, I think that we're all doing ourselves a favour if we just have a general goal of making our days happy and productive. It's actually pretty difficult!

I've fallen off track countless times in just January alone, but thanks to the support of my friends around me, I just try to get myself motivated each time I go off track! 

Today's post will zero in on how I'm planning to fill my 2018 with happiness- perfectionism. Or rather, the needlessness of it.

There's no need for perfectionism. With the upsurge in social media use, we've become more critical of ourselves and of our lives. We see what lives others lead, and we want it too. 

And that's normal. 

However, it's not normal when we stress ourselves out to curate the perfect life across our social media platform. I've seen a lot of people worrying about what to post, what captions to write, how to take the best photos...

And this behaviour can be seen even after there's been increased awareness of how every social media user is able to consciously make decisions to aid in the facade of perfection. 

So... why do we still do comparisons in such a damaging way?

I don't know, but I'm going to be more carefree in how I handle my social media accounts. The only reason I see to filter my posts is to ensure that I don't intentionally post offensive, illegal or hurtful content. 

Stay happy! 

PS- catch me at my other blog,


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